Diversity and Gender Perspective
Our research group is committed to creating and maintaining a positive environment that protects and supports diversity and that takes into account the gender perspective.
Several members of the group have participated for years in activities and committees to promote the visibility of women in mathematics and science in general. Below you can find a list of some awards and activities.
- J. Curbelo won the LORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science award, in the edition Spain - National Young Talents Program 2020/2021.
- I. Baldomá has organized the events of the Catalan Society of Matemàtiques to celebrate the Women in Mathematics day of the 2020 and 2021 editions.
- Several members of our group were interviewed in a documentary devoted to Catalan Mathematicians ("Matemàtiqeus Catalanes) in a documentary produced by the Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, see
https://vimeo.com/546154150/d995d305c5 - G. Huguet was a member of the RSME 'Women and Mathematics' committee.
- G. Huguet and has organized 'Matemàtiques per entendre el cervell' (activity aimed at secondary school students on the occasion of 12M: International Day for Women in Math in the 2021 edition).
- J. Curbelo was a mentor of #MatEsElla-MathIsShe (RSME - EJE&CON) 2018.