[1] P.B. Acosta-Humánez, editor. Notas del Primer Seminario de Integrabilidad de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GSD-IMA, 2011.
[2] Primitivo Acosta-Humánez, Moisés Aranda, and Reinaldo Núñez. Some remarks on a generalized vector product. Rev. Integr. Temas Mat., 29(2):151--162, 2011.
[3] Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez. Jairo Charris. The mathematician. The seminar. In Blázquez-Sanz et al. [17], pages vii--viii. Papers from the 3rd Jairo Charris Seminar “Symmetries of Differential and Difference Equations” held at Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, August 2009.
[4] Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez, Juan J. Morales-Ruiz, and Jacques-Arthur Weil. Galoisian approach to integrability of Schrödinger equation. Rep. Math. Phys., 67(3):305--374, 2011. [ DOI ]
[5] M. Aguareles and I. Baldomá. Structure and Gevrey asymptotic of solutions representing topological defects to some partial differential equations. Nonlinearity, 24(10):2813--2847, 2011. [ DOI ]
[6] Elisa Maria Alessi, Gerard Gómez, and Josep J. Masdemont. Low-energy transfers in the Earth-Moon system. In Nonlinear science and complexity, pages 107--114. Springer, Dordrecht, 2011. [ DOI ]
[7] E. Athanassoula, M. Romero-Gómez, and J.J. Masdemont. Rings, spirals and manifolds. Mem. S.A. It. Suppl., 18:97--108, 2011.
[8] V. Avrutin, A. Granados, and M. Schanz. Sufficient conditions for a period incrementing big bang bifurcation in one-dimensional maps. Nonlinearity, 24(9):2575--2598, 2011. [ DOI ]
[9] Viktor Avrutin, Enric Fossas, Albert Granados, and Michael Schanz. Virtual orbits and two-parameter bifurcation analysis in a ZAD-controlled buck converter. Nonlinear Dynam., 63(1-2):19--33, 2011. [ DOI ]
[10] E. Barrabés, J. M. Mondelo, and M. Ollé. Cascade of n-round homoclinic orbits to a center×saddle. In Proceedings of the XIIth Conference on Celestial Mechanics (Spanish), Monogr. Real Acad. Ci. Exact. Fís.-Quím. Nat. Zaragoza, 35, pages 21--26. Acad. Cienc. Exact. Fís. Quím. Nat. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 2011.
[11] K. Binder, H.J. Herrmann, J.L. Lebowitz, R. de la Llave, M. Mareschal, J.F. Fernández, P.L. Garrido, H.J. Kappen, and J. Marro, editors. AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1332. American Institute of Physics, 2011.
[12] K. Binder, H.J. Herrmann, J.L. Lebowitz, R. de la Llave, M. Mareschal, J.F. Fernández, P.L. Garrido, H.J. Kappen, and J. Marro. Preface. In Binder et al. [11], pages 1--2.
[13] Timothy Blass and Rafael de la Llave. Perturbation and numerical methods for computing the minimal average energy. Netw. Heterog. Media, 6(2):241--255, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[14] Timothy Blass, Rafael de la Llave, and Enrico Valdinoci. A comparison principle for a Sobolev gradient semi-flow. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., 10(1):69--91, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[15] Daniel Blazevski and Rafael de la Llave. Time-dependent scattering theory for ODEs and applications to reaction dynamics. J. Phys. A, 44(19):195101, 26, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[16] D. Blázquez-Sanz and S. A. Carrillo Torres. Erratum: “Group analysis of non-autonomous linear Hamiltonians through differential Galois theory” [Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 31 (2), 157--173 (2010)] [mr2661307]. Lobachevskii J. Math., 32(3):238--240, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[17] David Blázquez-Sanz, Juan J. Morales-Ruiz, and Jesús Rodríguez Lombardero, editors. Symmetries and related topics in differential and difference equations, volume 549 of Contemporary Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2011. Papers from the 3rd Jairo Charris Seminar “Symmetries of Differential and Difference Equations” held at Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, August 2009. [ DOI ]
[18] Pablo S. Casas and Rafael Ramírez-Ros. The frequency map for billiards inside ellipsoids. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 10(1):278--324, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[19] C. Christopher, J. Llibre, C. Pantazi, and S. Walcher. Darboux integrating factors: inverse problems. J. Differential Equations, 250(1):1--25, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[20] A. Delshams, J. Masdemont, and P. Roldán. An accounting device for biasymptotic solutions: the scattering map in the restricted three body problem. In Nonlinear Science and Complexity, pages 123--124. Springer, 2011.
[21] Amadeu Delshams and Gemma Huguet. A geometric mechanism of diffusion: rigorous verification in a priori unstable Hamiltonian systems. J. Differential Equations, 250(5):2601--2623, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[22] Yu. Fedorov. Análisis de Kovalevskaya--Painlevé y sistemas algebraicamente integrables. In Acosta-Humánez [1], pages 22--37.
[23] Yuri Fedorov and Inna Basak. Separation of variables and explicit theta-function solution of the classical Steklov-Lyapunov systems: a geometric and algebraic geometric background. Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 16(3-4):374--395, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[24] Ernest Fontich, Rafael de la Llave, and Pau Martín. Dynamical systems on lattices with decaying interaction I: a functional analysis framework. J. Differential Equations, 250(6):2838--2886, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[25] Ernest Fontich, Rafael de la Llave, and Pau Martín. Dynamical systems on lattices with decaying interaction II: hyperbolic sets and their invariant manifolds. J. Differential Equations, 250(6):2887--2926, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[26] L. Garcia-Taberner and J.J. Masdemont. Spacecraft formations reconfiguration using finite element methodology with adaptive remeshing. In Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Systems: Applications in Physical, Biological and Financial Systems, pages 69--82. Springer, 2011.
[27] Andrey Gogolev, Boris Kalinin, and Victoria Sadovskaya. Local rigidity for Anosov automorphisms. Math. Res. Lett., 18(5):843--858, 2011. With an appendix by Rafael de la Llave. [ DOI ]
[28] G. Gómez, M. Marcote, J.J. Masdemont, and Y. Ren. Analytical solutions of the relative motion about a Keplerian elliptic orbit. In 62nd International Astronautical Congress 2011, pages 4749--4759. IAC Papers Archive, 2011.
[29] D. Gómez-Ullate. Superintegrabilidad, pares de Lax y modelos de N-cuerpos en el plano. In Acosta-Humánez [1], pages 10--21.
[30] M. Guardia, T. M. Seara, and M. A. Teixeira. Generic bifurcations of low codimension of planar Filippov systems. J. Differential Equations, 250(4):1967--2023, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[31] Antoni Guillamon and Chara Pantazi. Phase portraits of separable Hamiltonian systems. Nonlinear Anal., 74(12):4012--4035, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[32] O. Larreal. Calculo de escisión de separatrices y regiones de estabilidad usando multiprecisión: El microtrón y la singularidad Hopf-Zero. PhD thesis, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya, July 2011.
[33] Rafael de la Llave and Alejandro Luque. Differentiability at the tip of Arnold tongues for Diophantine rotations: numerical studies and renormalization group explanations. J. Stat. Phys., 143(6):1154--1188, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[34] Rafael de la Llave, Arturo Olvera, and Nikola P. Petrov. Combination laws for scaling exponents and relation to the geometry of renormalization operators: the principle of approximate combination of scaling exponents. J. Stat. Phys., 143(5):889--920, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[35] Rafael de la Llave and Enrico Valdinoci. Lp-bounds for quasi-geostrophic equations via functional analysis. J. Math. Phys., 52(8):083101, 12, 2011. [ DOI ]
[36] Rafael de la Llave and Alistair Windsor. Avoiding early closing: `Livšic theorems for non-commutative groups including diffeomorphism groups and results on the existence of conformal structures for Anosov systems'---corrigendum [mr2669410]. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 31(4):1269--1272, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[37] Rafael de la Llave and Alistair Windsor. Smooth dependence on parameters of solutions to cohomology equations over Anosov systems with applications to cohomology equations on diffeomorphism groups. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 29(3):1141--1154, 2011. [ MR ]
[38] Alejandro Luque and Jordi Villanueva. A KAM theorem without action-angle variables for elliptic lower dimensional tori. Nonlinearity, 24(4):1033--1080, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[39] Pau Martín, David Sauzin, and Tere M. Seara. Exponentially small splitting of separatrices in the perturbed McMillan map. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 31(2):301--372, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[40] Pau Martín, David Sauzin, and Tere M. Seara. Resurgence of inner solutions for perturbations of the McMillan map. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 31(1):165--207, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[41] Josep J. Masdemont. A review of invariant manifold dynamics of the CRTBP and some applications. In Nonlinear science and complexity, pages 139--146. Springer, Dordrecht, 2011. [ DOI ]
[42] J.J. Morales-Ruiz. El problema de la integrabilidad en sistemas dinámicos. In Acosta-Humánez [1], pages 1--9.
[43] J.J. Morales-Ruiz. Métodos recientes para detectar la no integrabilidad. In Acosta-Humánez [1], pages 63--69.
[44] Josep M. Olm, Xavier Ros-Oton, and Tere M. Seara. Periodic solutions with nonconstant sign in Abel equations of the second kind. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 381(2):582--589, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[45] C. Pantazi. El método de Darboux. In Acosta-Humánez [1], pages 50--62.
[46] A. Pastukhov, P.E. Garcia-Rodriguez, J. Haenicke, A. Guillamon, G. Deco, and J. Braun. Stable but sensitive: multi-stable perception arbitrates to the exploitation-exploration dilemma. Front. Comput. Neurosci., 5, 2011. Conference Abstract: BC11 -- Computational Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Bernstein Conference & Neurex Annual Meeting 2011. [ DOI ]
[47] Joaquim Puig and Carles Simó. Resonance tongues and spectral gaps in quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators with one or more frequencies. A numerical exploration. J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 23(3):649--669, 2011. [ DOI ]
[48] Joaquim Puig and Carles Simó. Resonance tongues in the quasi-periodic Hill-Schrödinger equation with three frequencies. Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 16(1-2):61--78, 2011. [ DOI | MR ]
[49] R. Ramírez-Ros. El método de Poincaré. In Acosta-Humánez [1], pages 38--49.
[50] M. Romero-Gómez, E. Athanassoula, J.J. Masdemont, and C. García-Gómez. The role of invariant manifolds in the formation of spiral arms and rings in barred galaxies. In Nonlinear Science and Complexity, pages 95--98. Springer, 2011.
[51] L. Sauter, L. Garcia-Taberner, and P. Palmer. Finite element approach with analytic enhancement for onboard fuel-optimal collision-free formation reconfiguration. In Proceedings of the ESA GNC conference. ESA, 2011.