
Celestial Mechanics

Some members within the group have a reasonable baggage of results in Celestial Mechanics. Our projects are aimed to improve and develop geometrical, topological, analytical
and numerical methodology in order to study
some diffusive orbits, low-energy transfers, asteroid dynamics, and other complex missions, using as a key point dynamical systems tools to  the
Restricted three-body problem and other models. On the other hand, an innovative point is to obtain new results with the  theory that some participants within the group have recently developed to explain the formation of arms in barred galaxies. We list below some projects we are involved in:

  • Existence of diffusive orbits about the collinear points of the spatial Restricted Three Body Problem.
  • Motion of asteroid Victoria 12 in particular models.
  • Theory for the formation of arms in barred galaxies.
  • Methodology for the computations of invariant objects. Homoclinic and heteroclinic phenomena
  • Computer assisted proofs for several problems in celestial mechanics.

Contact: L. García, A. Delshams, G. Huguet, J. Masdemont, P. Roldan, M. Ollé