RTNS09 (Recent Trends in Nonlinear Science 2009)
This is the sixth winter school in Dynamical Systems of the DANCE (Dinámica, Atractores y Nolinealidad: Caos y Estabilidad) Spanish network.
- https://dynamicalsystems.upc.edu/ca/esdeveniments/congressos/2009/rtns09-recent-trends-in-nonlinear-science-2009
- RTNS09 (Recent Trends in Nonlinear Science 2009)
- 2009-02-01T12:05:00+01:00
- 2009-02-20T12:05:00+01:00
- This is the sixth winter school in Dynamical Systems of the DANCE (Dinámica, Atractores y Nolinealidad: Caos y Estabilidad) Spanish network.
01/02/2009 a 12:05 fins a 20/02/2009 a 12:05 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
Sevilla (Spain)
Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari