
Advanced Course on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations

Advanced Course on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations


02/02/2009 a 11:35 fins a 06/02/2009 a 11:35 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


CRM (Barcelona)

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Advanced Course on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations

Programme Please click here to see the programme

 Differential Equations appear naturally in many mathematical biology models since they are the basic language of expression of the different considered mechanisms. Ordinary differential systems, either deterministic or stochastic, form usually the bricks of the modelling from which more complicated phenomena can be analysed by means of Partial differential equations. The qualitative properties obtained from the analytical and numerical study of these models can be a great deal of information for the modeller in order to assess model’s validity and a way of improving the modelling.

This first series of courses of the thematic program wants to explore particular and specific mathematical models in Biology mainly in the areas of adaptive dynamics, cell movement by chemotaxis, pattern formation, tumour growth modelling and population dynamics. The speakers for the advanced course are: Odo Diekmann (University of Utrecht, Netherlands), Masayasu Mimura (Meiji University, Japan), Benoît Perthame (ENS-Paris-6, France), Luigi Preziosi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and Angela Stevens (Heidelberg , Germany).

These courses are connected to the European Marie Curie PhD network DEASE (link to "Differential Equations and Applications in Science and Engineering" coordinated by the WPI Wien.

Dates: February 2 to 6, 2009
Place: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra

Odo Diekmann University of Utrecht, Netherlands

Physiologically Structured Population Models and Delay Equations
Masayasu Mimura Meiji University, Japan

Pattern Formation and Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Benoît Perthame ENS-Paris-6, France

Selection, Mutations, Evolution: An Asymptotic Analysis

Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Modelling Tumour Growth
Angela Stevens Heidelberg, Germany

Mathematical models for structure formation in interacting cell systems


Àngel Calsina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

José A. Carrillo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Antoni Guillamon, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Grants and
financial support:
The CRM offers a limited number of grants covering registration and accommodation addressed to young researchers. The deadline for application is November 30, 2008.

Note that those participants awarded with accommodation grants will have their lodging arranged through the organisation. The remaining participants are encouraged to book their lodging needs as soon as possible. You can check our page on Information on lodging in the area.


Young Researchers funded by the DEASE network are supposed to be financed by their DEASE team.

Registration and Payment: There is the possibility to register, at a reduced price, to two related activities that have been scheduled to take place one after the other; this one and the Conference on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations, which will take place from February 9 to 13, 2009. Participants may apply for registration grant and lodging grant for both activities through the Registration to both activities process (below).
Registration fee:


Registration fee to Advanced Course on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations: 250 Euros

Registration fee to both Conference on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations and the Advanced Course in Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations: 400 Euros

Deadline for Registration and Payment: December 31, 2008

* Registration includes: Participation to the lectures, documentation package, lunch tickets, conference dinner + cultural activity, and the coffee breaks. For participants to the Advanced Course it also includes a copy of the notes of the course.

Access to the on-line Registration system: The on-line registration system will allow you to make the following actions:
  • Register to the activity/ies
  • Apply for financial support*
  • Pay the registration fee
  • Check the resolution to your application (once the grants have been awarded and the resolutions sent to the applicants by e-mail)

Registration and Application for financial support to the Advanced Course on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations

Registration to both Conference on Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations and Advanced Course in Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Differential Equations





* You will be asked, among other things, to upload a Curriculum Vitae. Please note that no applications will be taken into consideration without the corresponding CV.
Accommodation Participants awarded with accommodation grants will have their lodging arranged through the organisation. The remaining participants are encouraged to book their lodging as soon as possible.

                                     Hotel Information


A leaflet with information about the course can be downloaded here
Additional information:

For further information, please contact the Secretariat