Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems (AMDS 2008)
An international conference devoted to differential and difference Galois theories, and their applications.
- Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems (AMDS 2008)
- 2008-02-04T11:55:00+01:00
- 2008-02-08T11:55:00+01:00
- An international conference devoted to differential and difference Galois theories, and their applications.
04/02/2008 a 11:55 fins a 08/02/2008 a 11:55 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
Barcelona (Spain)
Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari
International Conference
Barcelona – Spain, 04-08/february/2008
Main Topics
Invited Speakers
- Linear differential Galois theory
- Non-linear differential Galois theory
- Difference Galois theories
- Applications to integrability of dynamical systems
- Singularities of dynamical systems
Scientific Committee- José Manuel Aroca (U. Valladolid)
- Zbigniew Hajto (U. Pol. Krakovska)
- Juan J. Morales-Ruiz (U. Pol. Catalunya)
- Emmanuel Paul (U. Toulouse)
- Alexei Tsygvintsev (Ec. Nor. Sup. Lyon)
Organizers- Juan J. Morales-Ruiz (U. Pol. Catalunya)
- Alexei Tsygvintsev (Ec. Nor. Sup. Lyon)
Contact information- Michaël Ayoul (U. Toulouse)
- David Blázquez (U. Pol. Catalunya)
- Daniel Bertrand (U. Paris VI)
- José Cano (U. Valladadolid)
- Guy Casale (U. Rennes)
- Guillaume Duval (U. Mons Hainaut)
- Anne Granier (U. Toulouse)
- Jerald Kovacic (CUNNY)
- Andrzej Maciejewski (U. Zielona Góra)
- Bernard Malgrange (U. Joseph Fourier)
- Jorge Mozo (U. Valladolid)
- Jesús Muñoz (U. Salamanca)
- Ricardo Pérez-Marco (CNRS, U. Paris XIII)
- Maria Przybylska (Torun, N. Copernicus U.)
- Jean-Pierre Ramis (U. Toulouse)
- Julien Roques (ENS, Paris)
- Carles Simó (U. Barcelona)
- Sergi Simon (U. Limoges)
- Michael Singer (NCSU)
- Hiroshi Umemura (U. Nagoya)
- Marius Van Der Put (U. Groningen)
- Pol Vanhaecke (U. Poitiers)
- Jean-François Viaud (U. Rochelle)
- Jacques-Arthur Weil (U. Limoges)